WON MEDCO CO., LTD.was established in 2005 that carries professional cosmetics and estheticequipments. Our sister company WON TECH Corp., a world's leading laserequipment company and Bio Leaders, are in close cooperation in productdevelopement. Our partnered lab, esthetitian and dermatologists have beenestablishing ideal formula for unique and effective skin care products for over2 years.
Our cosmetics,CLABIANE mainly focus on Anti-aging based on gamma-PGA, a nature-derivedingredient from soybean fermentation material. This has superb moinsturizingeffect, enhances skin elesticity, anti-wrinkle effect and etc.
There are varioustrends in global cosmetics market but there are few ingredients that showsactual efficacy. We use ingredient that has clinical data and comparative studyby trusted clinical centers. 'Chungkukjang' is a Korean traditional materialwhich can only be seen anywhere but in Korea. This special ingredient are firstdeveloped for direct intake to function of immunity such as suppress cancercells. Gamma-PGA also does superb moisturing even better than hyaluronic acid.Our guaranteed quality of both ingredients and final products will assure skinenhancement for customers.
CLABIANE is mainlymarketed through professional clinics and esthetics based on its scientificsupport in Korea. It is widely covered in medical magazines such as D&PS,Medical S, Doctor's and etc. Our finest quality cosmetics are beginning tospread in global markets with interested partners. Begin aboard K-beauty wavewith CLABAINE.